Legacy Of The Dragonborn Compatible Mods

This is a mod spotlight for Legacy of the Dragonborn! A relic hunters wet dream there is simply no way to sum up all the things in this mod, so please enjoy and go play the mod! In Mod Rejected on Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition suggested Mods. Enhanced Solitude SSE. Darkladylexy moved Enhanced Solitude SSE higher Darkladylexy moved Enhanced Solitude SSE from Mod Testing On Hold to Mod Rejected. About this mod The legacy of the dragonborn is a DLC sized expansion that centers around your own personal museum in Solitude, offering dozens of new quests, hundreds of new items, a new guild, and MUCH more. Alternate Start-Legacy of the Dragonborn Crash - posted in Skyrim Mod Troubleshooting: I was updating some mods recently, and I ran into an odd issue I never have encountered. I have narrowed my crashing in only outdoor cells to being an interaction between legacy of the dragonborn and alternate start. I uninstalled everything else (using Mod Organizer) except for these two mods and all the. Q-Will this be compatible with Beyond Skyrim or other large worldspace mods? A-Compatible yes, immersive no since we will be making many of the same spaces in some cases. Q-Will Odyssey require a new game? A-Since Odyssey will be employed as master files, it will be most prudent to start a fresh game when Act 1 releases.

Compatibility Patches

Hunterborn Campfire Patch(Ensures compatibility with both Campfire and Frostfall 3)

Load Order

You should, in general, try to load Frostfall.esp as high (lowest priority) in your load order as you can.

In particular, Frostfall should load before any mods that edit inns and taverns. These are mods like JK’s Skyrim by Jkrojmal and Teabag86. Age of empires no cd crack.

This is to ensure that the Rescue system in Frostfall will transport your character to the right place if your exposure reaches maximum.


Keep in mind that Frostfall requires Campfire, and Campfire has its own Compatibility page. Please check that page as well if the compatibility or integration you’re looking for isn’t on this page; it might be specifically related to camping as provided by Campfire.

Compatible Mods and DLC with Enhanced Support

Special support was added for the following mods and DLC:

DawnguardFinalAll armor assigned appropriate default Warmth and Coverage ratings. Forgotten Vale, Fort Dawnguard, and Castle Volkihar have appropriate temperatures, depending on area. Support added for Vampire Lords
HearthfireFinalAll food and drink items recognized correctly.
DragonbornFinalAll armor assigned appropriate default Warmth and Coverage ratings. Solstheim has appropriate temperatures, depending on area. Exposure pauses in Apocrypha, like other planes of Oblivion. All food and drink items recognized correctly. Fast Travel should re-enable automatically when riding a flying mount. Fast Travel should re-enable automatically when near a Black Book.
Wet and Cold2.02Cloaks, hoods, and gloves assigned appropriate default Warmth and Coverage ratings.
Cloaks of Skyrim1.2Cloaks assigned appropriate default Warmth and Coverage ratings.
Winter is Coming Cloaks2.3Cloaks and hoods assigned appropriate default Warmth and Coverage ratings.
Immersive Armors8.0All armor assigned appropriate default Warmth and Coverage ratings.
Warzones 20152015.2Default compatibility coming in Frostfall 3.1
Fur Hoods HD1.5BAll hoods assigned appropriate default Warmth and Coverage ratings.
Aesir Armor1.6.2All armor assigned appropriate default Warmth and Coverage ratings.
Climates of Tamriel5.0All weather recognized correctly and given appropriate temperatures.
ScenicCarriages1.2BExposure will pause while you are in or near a carriage, preventing freezing to death while riding.
Wyrmstooth1.16Appropriate temperatures added, depending on the area.
DarkenD1.1Appropriate temperatures added, depending on the area.
Tales of Lycanthropy1.5Werewolf system recognized.
Belua Sanguinare Revisited1.3.9.3 / 1.4 beta 3Vampire system recognized.
Summerset Isle1.35Fast Travel is enabled in all Summerset Isle areas, regardless of setting, for compatibility.

Compatible Mods

These mods work out of the box with no special support, and are mentioned here for clarity. See the notes section for important details.

In general, do not useFrostfall compatibility patches offered by other mod authors unless it specifically notes that it is for Frostfall 3.0 or newer. Doing so may crash your game on start-up!

Skyrim RedoneCompatible; do not use SkyRe Survivalism optional plug-in. That functionality is now built-in to Frostfall 3.0’s stand-alone perk system.
Perkus MaximusCompatible; do not use PerMa Survivalism optional plug-in. That functionality is now built-in to Frostfall 3.0’s stand-alone perk system.
Ordinator - Perks of SkyrimCompatible.
RequiemCompatible; set 'Handle Death like in Vanilla' in the Requiem Mod Config Menu, or the Rescue mechanic may not work correctly. Use Frostfall 3 compatibility patch from Requiem Patch Central (see Compatibility Patches, above)
Dual Sheath ReduxCompatible; do not use Frostfall patch. Use Campfire patch instead (if available).
Realistic Needs and DiseasesCompatible.
Imp’s More Complex NeedsCompatible.
Bandoliers - Bags and PouchesCompatible.
Get SnowyCompatible.
Sneak ToolsCompatible.
Hot and Sweaty - Detection ++Compatible.
Custom Follower ModsAll mods in this category should be compatible.
Perk ModsAll mods in this category should be compatible.
Gameplay Difficulty Overhaul ModsAll mods in this category should be compatible.
Hunger / Thirst / Sleep ModsAll mods in this category should be compatible.
Timescale ModsAll mods in this category should be compatible. Frostfall uses real time, not game time, to calculate exposure.
Lighting / Weather ModsAll mods in this category should be compatible.
New LandsNew lands mods that use base game weathers are implicitly supported. For custom weather in your worldspace, see Weather Compatibility, below. If your worldspace has more than one climate type and at least one of those is a snowy region, please contact me for enhanced support.
Player HomesAll mods in this category should be compatible.
MountsAll mods in this category should be compatible.
AnimationIn general, all mods in this category should be compatible, provided that they do not edit IdleWarmHandsStanding or IdleWarmHandsCrouched. An exception is Animations by Genebriss (1.15) which is strictly incompatible and will cause all of Campfire’s camping equipment interaction to break.
New WeaponsAll mods in this category should be compatible.
New Armor and ClothingMod-added gear will be assigned default Warmth and Coverage. In Frostfall 3.1 (coming soon), you will be able to change these values at any time in the Mod Configuration Menu and these custom settings will be saved to your Settings Profile. Please note that the gear must use the standard slots for head, body, feet, and head gear, and associated keywords in order to be supported (see Armor Compatibility, below). Cloaks that use Slot 46 are supported. All shields should be supported.
Combat and Stealth GameplayAll mods in this category should be compatible.
Guilds and FactionsAll mods in this category should be compatible.
Hair, Face, and BodyAll mods in this category should be compatible.
New Items and ObjectsAll mods in this category should be compatible.
Loading ScreensAll mods in this category should be compatible.
MagicAll mods in this category should be compatible.
Cities and TownsAll mods in this category should be compatible.
Bug Fixes (USLEEP, USKP, etc)All mods in this category should be compatible.
Audio, Sound, MusicAll mods in this category should be compatible.
DungeonsAll mods in this category should be compatible.
Environmental Graphics / AdditionsAll mods in this category should be compatible.
Shops, Stores, Inns, TavernsAll mods in this category should be compatible.
NPC Additions / ModificationsAll mods in this category should be compatible.
Race, Class, Birthsign Additions / ModificationsAll mods in this category should be compatible.
TexturesAll mods in this category should be compatible.
Werewolf / Vampire ModsWerewolf and Vampire mods that, in general, use the standard Werewolf and Vampire system already present in the game are supported. If your werewolf or vampire overhaul uses a completely new set of globals, scripts, and quests, you may require enhanced support if it is not specifically mentioned in the Enhanced Support table above. In this case, please contact me.

Incompatibilities and Quirks

Frostfall 2.6 or priorStrictly incompatible. Do not load Frostfall 2.6 or prior (Chesko_Frostfall.esp) alongside Frostfall 3 (Frostfall.esp). The game will prevent you from continuing if you do so.
SKSE 1.7.2 or priorSKSE 1.7.3 or greater is required. You will receive a warning in-game that will not let you continue until you upgrade.
W.A.T.E.R. Get Wet - Water FX Plug-inThe W.A.T.E.R. plug-in that displays water droplets on the player should not be used because Frostfall already includes a water shader when the player is wet. If you would prefer to use this visual effect instead of Frostfall’s, be sure to turn off Frostfall’s Player Wet Shader in the settings. Your water droplets will not match Frostfall’s wetness game mechanic, however.
Hypothermia (Nitor)This mod adds essentially the same mechanics already added by Frostfall and should not be used with it.
Dynamic Fires (Woodbyte)This mod adds essentially the same feature already added by Frostfall and should not be used with it.
ScriptDragonThis is a very dangerous, old, unsupported and unstable framework for executing custom script files that predates Skyrim’s Creation Kit and should not be used.

Things that Frostfall Edits and Includes

Great care was taken to not edit unintended base game forms. Frostfall has a very narrow incompatibility footprint.


The following forms are edited by Frostfall:

Artifactory pro license crack. Why these edits were necessary:

These edits were necessary in order for these animations to play near heat sources that Frostfall recognizes.


Legacy Of The Dragonborn Compatible Mods Cheat

Legacy Of The Dragonborn Compatible Mods

Frostfall 3.x does not edit any base-game script files.

Skyrim Legacy Of The Dragonborn


Legacy Of The Dragonborn Compatible Mods Cheats

Frostfall does not include any special files.

Legacy Of The Dragonborn Compatible Mods

From Godescalcus:
@Mdc211 while I disagree that Clockwork might not be lore friendly (it actually features a pretty well written, lore friendly story afaik) and that it's 'way out there' - once you finish its 'main quest' and are able to leave the castle, you're actually given an alternative transportation system that allows you to connect all of the main cities in skyrim (and maybe a few other places) to the castle and, via the castle, to each other - I think it's a great mod and the conflicts it has due to its transportation system placing exits in the world are all patched for our LO. The only reason not to have this mod, I'd say, is that it's the most feature complete home mod I know aside from LOTD itself, has displays for a lot of stuff that you're likely not going to use and once you get used to being based in the Safehouse, you're likely to never go back there after completing its quest. So, maybe redundant in a LOTD based build, but quite the best home mod I know for any other.